Awaken... Reflect... Engage...

How? By joining the conversation on Each Day a Call to Presence —hosted by Samylda Charles, your Guide for this Steppingstone.

Samylda Charles

Stepping Stone 20 Guide

"Hi everyone! My name is Samylda and I am a passionate and curious spirit who happens to be a pre-med student and a professional Astrologer. My hometown is New York and I love finding meaning through connecting our human experiences."

Similar to this steppingstone’s opening image of the man beholding the sunrise, I begin each new day by recognizing the sunlight and its potential as it comes through my bedroom window; and like Deepak Chopra, in the opening quote, I express gratitude for the opportunity to meet the day as it is born, with the understanding that it can turn into anything! My breathing is the next thing I recognize, feeling privileged to breathe alongside the rest of the living world.

My reverence for life—my life, all life—has deepened and expanded dramatically since my 120-pound body was ejected out of a flipping vehicle onto the side of a highway two-years-ago, resulting in severe injuries. As a consequence, I have had to learn how to actively assist my body in its healing process.

"A key to my recovery has been my choice to play an active role in my own healing."

The healing power of the breath has played a major role in easing both my mental and physical discomfort. Through coherent breathing (See video embedded in this steppingstone), I have been able to modulate my reception of pain by guiding my body’s natural response system into a more tranquil state.

Now, after two years of recovery from a fractured cervical spine, a hardware-repaired arm featuring three distinct breaks, extensive dental repair, and hundreds of stitches amongst numerous other scrapes and bruises, I can say that I have made it through my most painful days. A key to my recovery and my reduced intake of pain medications has been my choice to play an active role in my own healing.

Soon after being discharged from the hospital, I realized that everyone around me appeared to be moving too fast. For example, I noticed a lack of true presence, as I observed missed moments of connection because people were too busy multitasking; and this blocked them from being able to go deep with who and what was around them.

By contrast, I was dwelling in a slowed-down, settled state. This became apparent to me as I engaged with the Circle of Twine Field Study described in this steppingstone. I created my Circle of Twine in a patch of grass next to a large tree in my backyard.

Taking a deep belly breath, upon sitting down in my circle, helped me to ground and center myself. Without this grounding I would not have been able to connect with the gentle breeze and the smells of the flowers, while also observing the purposeful movements of the ants and bees. It truly astounded me to awaken to all the life present in my circle of twine, including the birds singing right above me. Connecting intimately with nature, I felt like a kid again, bursting with aliveness and creativity.

At the end of each day, I make it a point to take time to reflect on what I may have gained or learned by being present to my breath and the world around me. I am finding that the time between sunrise and sunset feels almost like a lifetime.

Because of the fullness of my days, I often take time before bed to journal, using colored pens to capture the mood and energy of my day. In this vein, activist and author, Valerie Kaur, recommends treating each day as if it were, indeed, an entire lifetime, with a beginning, middle and end; and at the end of each day, pausing to consider: i-the most joyful part of your day; ii-the hardest part; and iii-what you are most grateful for. After reflecting on these questions, Kaur suggests letting go of your day, with a deep exhalation… so that at first light you will stand ready to receive the breath of a new day.

An Invitation to Join the Conversation

As your Guide for this steppingstone, my hope is that our Community Space will become a friendly setting where we can learn from each other by sharing stories, questions and reflections, relating to the Each Day a Call to Presence theme of this steppingstone. As a way to participate, please consider posting responses to any of the prompts below that might call to you:

i-What are your first thoughts upon waking each morning and is there a certain way that you greet each new day?

ii-What do you notice—i.e., what awakens in you?—as you engage with the breathing exercises/videos in this steppingstone?

iii-Can you share a story of a time when you felt fully and ecstatically alive… fully present to your life and to the world?

iv-What did you discover when you engaged with the Circle of Twine Field Study offered in this steppingstone? If you skipped this exercise, why not go back now and give it a go.

Use the comment box below to share your reflections!

When posting, focus on what you know to be true for you