Awaken... Reflect... Engage...

How? By joining the conversation centered on Transcending Dualism —hosted by Tiffany, your Guide for this Steppingstone.

Tiffany Godley

Stepping Stone 13 Guide

"I am really just a learning and growing individual who finds joy in connection, silliness, and the practice of finding meaning in the malaise."

Up. Down. Right. Wrong. True. False. Smart. Stupid. Quiet. Loud. Outside. Inside. Democrat. Republican. Gay. Straight. Religious. Atheist. Entertaining. Boring. Beautiful. Ugly. Broken. Whole. Logic. Intuition. Fact. Fiction. Give. Take. Love. Hate.

What’s the story here? What do you notice about this collection of words? What comes up for you as you take them in?

It is likely that you pick up on a few things relatively quickly. For example, you might be thinking these are all contradictions… opposites—e.g., up is the opposite of down, right the opposite of wrong, true the opposite of false, and so on. This simplistic, either/or way of perceiving the world is commonly referred to as dualistic thinking or simply, dualism.

"We live in a world that is far too nuanced and complex to be understood in simplistic this versus that terms."

It appears that much of the suffering and dysfunction in the modern world is rooted in dualistic thinking. Indeed, as author and activist Satish Kumar writes, “All the big problems in the world today are rooted in the philosophy of separateness and dualism.” By recognizing the prevalence of dualistic thinking, we may be able to see, with clearer eyes the divisive world that we now inhabit. Indeed, the word pairs that I introduced (above) reveal our tendency, as humans, to separate reality into what we regard as better (superior) and what we perceive as worse (inferior). You can check for this tendency within yourself by noting how you may have automatically assigned superiority to one word in each pairing—e.g., smart over stupid; beautiful over ugly; broken over whole.

But the larger truth here is that we live in a world that is not so much Either/Or as it is Both/And. Said differently, we live in a world that is far too nuanced and complex to be understood in simplistic this versus that terms. For example, as revealed in the steppingstone section entitled “The Myth of the Separate Self”, each of our bodies is home to roughly 30 trillion microbes, the great majority of which are essential for our health and wellbeing. In this light, it is no exaggeration to say that each of us is a “walking microbial colony”—i.e., we are BOTH human AND microbial!

This is hard for many of us to reckon with insofar as we have been conditioned to see ourselves as separate, autonomous beings, living in an Either/OrUs vs. Them world, instead of experiencing our lives from an open-ended, Both/And perspective.

When it comes to living my life, day-by-day, I am beginning to realize that separation is a myth. Everything INTER-IS. Indeed, by succumbing to dualism, we participate in the creation of a world marred by violence, arrogance, fear, separation and suffering. BUT, of course, this need not be. Indeed, it is by taking time to acknowledge the negative ramifications of our dualistic mindsets, that we might free ourselves from the trance of dualism.

An Invitation to Join the Conversation

As your Guide for this steppingstone, my hope is that our Community Space will become a friendly setting where we can learn from each other by sharing stories, questions and reflections relating to the Transcending Dualism theme of this steppingstone. As a way to engage, please consider sharing your thoughts and experiences regarding any of the prompts (below) that call to you:

i-This steppingstone begins with Byron Katie’s words: "The only thing worth learning is to unlearn. The way to do this is to question everything you think you know. "  Might you be able to share a story about how unlearning has helped you to move beyond dualistic thinking?

ii-Might it be that the path to AWAKENING is to live in harmony with ourselves, each other and Earth… And, in so doing, to ground our lives in wholeness and interdependence, rather than in divisiveness and isolation? How do you see it?

iii-What happens when you acknowledge that you are, in a very real sense, a “walking microbial colony”—i.e., that, from a scientific perspective,  you are BOTH Human AND Microbial?

iv-Finally for insight into how to transcend dualism, check out Black and White—the Alan Watts video featured in this steppingstone that challenges us to see that “explicit difference is rooted in implicit unity”.

Use the comment box below to share your reflections!

When posting, focus on what you know to be true for you