Awaken... Reflect... Engage...

How? By joining the conversation centered on Hearing the Call—hosted by Maëlis Mittig, your Guide for this Steppingstone.

Maëlis Mittig

Stepping Stone 11 Guide

"My name is Maëlis and I currently live in Baltimore. I was born and raised in France which is where I truly feel a connection to my spirit. I am on a mission to empower the people around me, most notably kids, through education and entrepreneurship. I am here to encourage what the French call, Joie de Vivre, the joy of living."

When I was invited to host this steppingstone, I felt a sense of excitement and curiosity. “Hearing the Call” — I love this one. The truth is that I hear calls quite often. They usually manifest as a quickening from within me, nudging me to take action on something that has the potential to fill me with meaning and purpose.

The first time I heard the call I was sitting at a table full of professional women in NYC. At the time I was informing them that I was leaving my job for an unknown path. All my “moms” immediately jumped in with questions: "Are you in grad school? Do you have money saved up? Wait, where’s your resume?" And then from across the table, a woman named Donna looked at me with the most piercing certainty and said, “Follow your heart”. I lit up. That was it—the call to attune to what it was that my heart was calling me to... It was on that day that I surrendered to what was to come and here I am, 6 years later, saying yes to hosting this steppingstone with the hope that, if you’re reading this, you are here because you, too, are seeking something… listening for something...

"I was responding to a call, arising from somewhere deep within me, to seek drastic change in myself."

Since that day in New York, I’ve heard other calls, all coaxing me, in different ways, to move beyond my comfort zone by saying YES to LIFE!

For me, it’s not like a clear message that I receive each day and “zap!” I hear the call. Instead, it’s been more about deep listening and surrendering. For example, when I set off on a one-week retreat to The Hoffman Institute a while back, I was responding to a call, arising from somewhere deep within me, to seek drastic change in myself. I didn’t know what I was getting myself into, but I listened and I surrendered to the outcome.

While at Hoffman, I had opportunities to tap into this steppingstone with exercises similar to Exploration 2: Trusting Nature where we are called to go on a “vision quest” by leaving behind our normal ways of thinking and behaving and, instead, trusting in nature to guide us. For example, one day, I got an urge to get up from my seat in the dining area and to walk up into the hills. At the time, I was processing a lot of intense emotions and I felt called to be alone. While wandering on my own, I let my fingers run through tall grasses while following a family of turkeys. Eventually, I arrived at the edge of a beautiful garden where I paused to take in the sun setting over the mountains. Then, seemingly, from out of nowhere, a hummingbird appeared and proceeded to pollinate a flower right beside me.

The fact that Hummingbird has been my spirit animal for over seven years made this moment quite special. Indeed, for me, Hummingbird aligns with my highest frequency and symbolizes my highest self. What’s more, whenever I encounter Hummingbird, I am reminded of her medicine—namely: joy, fluidity, and infinite possibility—and I know that I am exactly where I am meant to be.

An Invitation to Join the Conversation

As your Guide for this steppingstone, my hope is that our Community Space will become a friendly setting where we can learn from each other by sharing stories, questions, and reflections relating to the Hearing the Call theme of this steppingstone. As a way to participate, please consider posting your responses to any of the following prompts that may call to you:

i-What do you make of the following words from author and educator, Parker Palmer: "Before I can tell my life what I want to do with it, I must listen to my life telling me who I am."  What might you learn if you were to take time to listen to your life telling you who you are?

ii-Can you share a story from a time in your life when you had the experience of being called to do or to be something audacious?

iii-If you are open to adventure, follow the instructions in Exploration 1 of this steppingstone by taking a lump of moist clay into your hands; and, then, after closing your eyes, repeat to yourself: “This clay is me and I am open to receiving whatever it reveals.” Don’t think!  Instead, just surrender to the clay! Continue in this manner until you sense that you are finished; and, then, open your eyes and slowly take in what your hands have molded, paying attention to any messages—any callings—embodied in your clay creation.

iv-How might you interpret the poem, Questo Muro (The Wall) that appears at the end of this steppingstone. What is the Wall standing between yourself and the beloved… between yourself and your joy?”

Use the comment box below to share your reflections!

When posting, focus on what you know to be true for you