Awaken... Reflect... Engage...

How? By Joining in the Awake or Asleep Conversation hosted by Peter Yu, your Guide for Steppingstone #1  

Peter Yu

Stepping Stone 01 Guide

"I live in the pothole-ridden streets of greater Boston and connecting with nature connects me to my soul."

Hi, I'm Peter Yu and in the process of engaging with this steppingstone, I’ve realized that I am still very… much… asleep.

Reading Thich Nhat Hanh’s guidance in the section, “Paying Attention to your Breathing and Beating Heart,” I scoffed, thinking “Well this is corny”. But to my surprise, after a few minutes repeating Hanh’s words [Breathing in, I calm myself… Breathing out, I smile …] I was infused with a sense of peace, along with a smile that seemed to require no muscles at all in my face. How can I not smile, knowing that I have breath, and the luxury of peace away from threat?

"If I never open the doors to my heart, I’ll never know what’s there… and I will continue to be a stranger to myself."

As I read through the remainder of this steppingstone, I was intrigued by the three prompts in the “Walking on Water” section, designed to provoke awakenings. However, I put off completing those prompts for days… not from a lack of motivation, but because of my uneasiness around what might surface from my heart. Here’s what finally emerged:

i-If only I had the guts, I would… tell my parents that I love them.

ii-If I didn’t care about how people might judge me, I would… sing and dance in public.

iii- If I wasn’t worried about my future I would… quit my corporate job.       

Of these three prompts, the first one—tell my parents that I love them—resulted in the most visceral response… a saddening and guilt-ridden one, actually. Even typing these words is hard for me to do, let alone to speak them out-loud.

You see my parents express their love and support for my brother and me in “tough love” ways; and the three words I love you only ever come out of my mother’s mouth. I hope the next time I see them in person I will find the courage to tell them what every parent deserves to hear from their child—i.e., that they are loved dearly.

As a result of hosting this steppingstone I am coming to realize that I am afraid to be vulnerable with others… especially with my parents. It turns out that, for me, unlocking the doors to my heart is a feat similar to walking on water.

It’s frightening for me to consider that if I never open the doors to my heart, I’ll never know what’s there… and I will continue to be a stranger to myself.

An Invitation to Join the Conversation

As your Guide for this steppingstone, my hope is that our Community Space will become a friendly setting where we can learn from each other by sharing stories, questions, feelings, and reflections, relating to the Awake or Asleep theme of this steppingstone. As a way to begin, please consider sharing your thoughts in response to any of the following prompts that might call to you:

i-Are you mostly AWAKE or mostly ASLEEP? How do you know? Seriously, how do you know?

ii-It has been said that With Awareness Comes Awakening. Is this true for you? Find out by engaging with, and reflecting on, the steppingstone exercise entitled Paying Attention to Your Breathing & Your Beating Heart… and sharing your discoveries.

iii-What is your reaction to the Walking on Water Project that is introduced at the end of this steppingstone? What is something that would constitute Walking on Water for you? What fear(s) might stop you from Walking on Water? What steps could you take to liberate yourself from those fears?

Use the comment box below to share your reflections!

When posting, focus on what you know to be true for you